Building Connections and Partnerships: Addressing Fall Prevention Across the Lifespan


Georgia Department of Public Health Injury Prevention Program (IPP) engages in robust state-based data and surveillance, strengthening strategic collaborations and partnerships, conducting assessments, and monitoring the effectiveness of evidence-based community programs. IPP is motivated to reduce risk factors for falls through a lens of shared risk and protective factors. By leveraging community partnerships, we have launched an evidence-based fall prevention program that plays an important role in promoting health and well-being across the lifespan.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, falls are the second leading cause of unintentional injury deaths worldwide. In Georgia, approximately 30.2% of adults aged 65 and older report falling each year. To alleviate the problem, IPP has supported community-based efforts through the implementation and evaluation of a Fall Prevention Nature Walk. The Fall Prevention Nature Walk engages participants (at every stage of life), through informational boards that incorporate evidence-based national resources, self-assessments, checklists, and community resources connected to fall risk and fall prevention. This innovative approach derives from the Let’s Move Libraries StoryWalk® campaign used to promote literacy, reading, health, exercise, and movement in library settings across the U.S.

IPP has long acknowledged the importance of partnership building in achieving better health outcomes. Strengthening strategic collaborations and community partnerships are a core function of injury prevention. To support the success of the Fall Prevention Nature Walk, local partnership with public libraries were key. Libraries are critical access points, providing access to relevant health and wellness information to all community members. Through continuous collaboration with local public libraries and other community organizations, the Fall Prevention Nature Walk has the potential to reduce the frequency of falls across the lifespan throughout the state of Georgia.


Fall Prevention, Collaboration, Partnership, Community, Injury Prevention

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Building Connections and Partnerships: Addressing Fall Prevention Across the Lifespan

Georgia Department of Public Health Injury Prevention Program (IPP) engages in robust state-based data and surveillance, strengthening strategic collaborations and partnerships, conducting assessments, and monitoring the effectiveness of evidence-based community programs. IPP is motivated to reduce risk factors for falls through a lens of shared risk and protective factors. By leveraging community partnerships, we have launched an evidence-based fall prevention program that plays an important role in promoting health and well-being across the lifespan.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, falls are the second leading cause of unintentional injury deaths worldwide. In Georgia, approximately 30.2% of adults aged 65 and older report falling each year. To alleviate the problem, IPP has supported community-based efforts through the implementation and evaluation of a Fall Prevention Nature Walk. The Fall Prevention Nature Walk engages participants (at every stage of life), through informational boards that incorporate evidence-based national resources, self-assessments, checklists, and community resources connected to fall risk and fall prevention. This innovative approach derives from the Let’s Move Libraries StoryWalk® campaign used to promote literacy, reading, health, exercise, and movement in library settings across the U.S.

IPP has long acknowledged the importance of partnership building in achieving better health outcomes. Strengthening strategic collaborations and community partnerships are a core function of injury prevention. To support the success of the Fall Prevention Nature Walk, local partnership with public libraries were key. Libraries are critical access points, providing access to relevant health and wellness information to all community members. Through continuous collaboration with local public libraries and other community organizations, the Fall Prevention Nature Walk has the potential to reduce the frequency of falls across the lifespan throughout the state of Georgia.