Preceptor Bites: A Georgia Statewide AHEC Preceptor Development Series
Background: Preceptors, or community-based faculty, are professionals that bridge the gap between didactic learning and clinical practice for health professions students during their clinical rotations. The Georgia Statewide Area Health Education Centers Network (AHEC) supports our primary care preceptors- physicians, physician assistants, or nurse practitioners- since they are responsible for training the next generation of key primary health care providers. One of the ways that AHEC supports our providers is by assisting with the Primary Care Summit, a multi-disciplinary effort to prioritize pilots, projects, and other interventions to increase the amount and distribution of primary care providers in Georgia. During the 2020 Primary Care Summit, the Georgia Statewide AHEC Network hosted focus groups with community-based faculty and preceptors in Georgia. One outcome of these focus groups was the need for more and accessible resources for preceptors throughout our state to teach our health professions students during clinical rotations.
Methods: The Georgia Statewide AHEC Network surveyed Georgia preceptors to determine the need and desire for a webinar series for faculty development. The survey concluded that a series of quarterly, online meetings with alternating lunch/dinner times would serve the needs of these preceptors. Topics of potential interest were also indicated on the survey. The results of this statewide survey started Preceptor Bites, a CME eligible webinar series hosted quarterly by the AHEC Program Office.
Anticipated Results: The first webinar series will launch on January 12, 2023. The webinar has approximately 60 preceptors registered.
Community-based faculty, preceptors, faculty development, healthcare workforce
Preceptor Bites: A Georgia Statewide AHEC Preceptor Development Series
Background: Preceptors, or community-based faculty, are professionals that bridge the gap between didactic learning and clinical practice for health professions students during their clinical rotations. The Georgia Statewide Area Health Education Centers Network (AHEC) supports our primary care preceptors- physicians, physician assistants, or nurse practitioners- since they are responsible for training the next generation of key primary health care providers. One of the ways that AHEC supports our providers is by assisting with the Primary Care Summit, a multi-disciplinary effort to prioritize pilots, projects, and other interventions to increase the amount and distribution of primary care providers in Georgia. During the 2020 Primary Care Summit, the Georgia Statewide AHEC Network hosted focus groups with community-based faculty and preceptors in Georgia. One outcome of these focus groups was the need for more and accessible resources for preceptors throughout our state to teach our health professions students during clinical rotations.
Methods: The Georgia Statewide AHEC Network surveyed Georgia preceptors to determine the need and desire for a webinar series for faculty development. The survey concluded that a series of quarterly, online meetings with alternating lunch/dinner times would serve the needs of these preceptors. Topics of potential interest were also indicated on the survey. The results of this statewide survey started Preceptor Bites, a CME eligible webinar series hosted quarterly by the AHEC Program Office.
Anticipated Results: The first webinar series will launch on January 12, 2023. The webinar has approximately 60 preceptors registered.