Presentation Abstract

Georgia Multi-Tiered System of Supports (GaMTSS) is a data-driven, multi-level prevention system designed to meet the needs of the whole child by implementing a continuum of tiered supports. This session will discuss the integration of academics, behavior, and well-being which is essential for student and educator success. These supports play a critical role in impacting positive school climate. An overview of the five essential components of GaMTSS, with an emphasis on building a strong infrastructure, will also be discussed.

Conference Program Description

Georgia Multi-Tiered System of Supports (GaMTSS) is a data-driven, multi-level prevention system designed to meet the needs of the whole child by implementing a continuum of tiered supports. The integration of academics, behavior, and well-being is essential in impacting student/educator success and positive school climate.

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Integrating Supports to Meet the Needs of the Whole Child

Georgia Multi-Tiered System of Supports (GaMTSS) is a data-driven, multi-level prevention system designed to meet the needs of the whole child by implementing a continuum of tiered supports. This session will discuss the integration of academics, behavior, and well-being which is essential for student and educator success. These supports play a critical role in impacting positive school climate. An overview of the five essential components of GaMTSS, with an emphasis on building a strong infrastructure, will also be discussed.