Building Relationships in the Digital Age: 8 Strategies & Steps
Presentation Abstract
Building Relationships in the Digital Age: 8 Strategies and Steps is a systematic approach to build positive relationships with all stakeholders, including students, parents, staff, and community stakeholders in the 21st century. Modern technology provides a host of benefits from collaborating, learning, and connecting with others. Unfortunately, the technology tools we use daily are becoming our primary methods of communication and slowly eroding our use of physical, verbal, and eye contact that quality relationships are built upon. Physical contact, verbal contact, and eye contact are essential elements needed for growth and development.
Knowledge on how to develop and grow relationships is best understood through the acronym R.E.L.A.T.I.O.N. Each strategy is supported by three steps and can be used by anyone, anytime, and anywhere. We must first learn how to gather facts by collecting past and current information from all sides that can bring clarity to our current reality. Seeking first to understand promotes empathy in teaching people to understand another person’s point of view, while using the information to guide our actions. Lifelong-Learning encourages continuous improvement in an endless pursuit to understand the world around us and make it better. Being mentally and physically active benefits the body and mind through reducing stress, improving mood and mental health. Taking a step back from our daily routine and focusing our attention on what is important in our lives can help us spend time on what matters. Knowing who and what influences us can impact our daily lives to become a positive impression. Finally, organizing around a common purpose through collaboration can build interdependence among each other. For students, educators, families, communities, and businesses (stakeholders) to thrive, we must network with each other and learn how to serve.
Conference Program Description
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Chiles, Anthony M., "Building Relationships in the Digital Age: 8 Strategies & Steps" (2022). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 16.
Building Relationships in the Digital Age: 8 Strategies & Steps
Building Relationships in the Digital Age: 8 Strategies and Steps is a systematic approach to build positive relationships with all stakeholders, including students, parents, staff, and community stakeholders in the 21st century. Modern technology provides a host of benefits from collaborating, learning, and connecting with others. Unfortunately, the technology tools we use daily are becoming our primary methods of communication and slowly eroding our use of physical, verbal, and eye contact that quality relationships are built upon. Physical contact, verbal contact, and eye contact are essential elements needed for growth and development.
Knowledge on how to develop and grow relationships is best understood through the acronym R.E.L.A.T.I.O.N. Each strategy is supported by three steps and can be used by anyone, anytime, and anywhere. We must first learn how to gather facts by collecting past and current information from all sides that can bring clarity to our current reality. Seeking first to understand promotes empathy in teaching people to understand another person’s point of view, while using the information to guide our actions. Lifelong-Learning encourages continuous improvement in an endless pursuit to understand the world around us and make it better. Being mentally and physically active benefits the body and mind through reducing stress, improving mood and mental health. Taking a step back from our daily routine and focusing our attention on what is important in our lives can help us spend time on what matters. Knowing who and what influences us can impact our daily lives to become a positive impression. Finally, organizing around a common purpose through collaboration can build interdependence among each other. For students, educators, families, communities, and businesses (stakeholders) to thrive, we must network with each other and learn how to serve.