Biography of Primary Presenter
Presentation Abstract
As Districts embark on the PBIS journey to reduce problem behaviors and increase adaptive, socially appropriate behaviors, buy-In from ALL major stakeholders is critical to the overall success of PBIS implementation. It is not enough to just have a few people in the school or district to buy in if a climate and society in which appropriate behavior is the norm is to be established. District, family, and community support is vital to the sustainability of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. The support of PBIS by all major stakeholders ensures the continued ability of the school to decrease office discipline referrals; which gives educators a classroom atmosphere where learning is the number one activity.
This session will provide strategies on how to acquire political support, business investment, media coverage, parental involvement, and school support as each of these resources are crucial to self-sustaining capacity building within each district. The presenter will share how she acquired buy-in as a District Coordinator to implement successful District-Wide PBIS.
Political support is one the three key components to ensure the district leadership teams have the support necessary to train, coach, and evaluate the local schools for continued success. Business support can provide the impetus for parental involvement and political support by bestowing schools with recognition in many ways. Positive media coverage can assist political, parental, business and community support. The link between families and positive behavioral interventions and supports is an important one. When families are meaningfully involved in educational activities their children do better in schools.
Recommended Citation
Flowers, Dr. Michele F., "EVERYONE on the Same Page: District, Family and Community Collaboration" (2017). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 66.
PBIS Home Matrix
PBIS_for_Substitute_Teachers.pdf (198 kB)
PBIS for Substitute Teachers
Bus Bucks.pdf (78 kB)
Bus Bucks
Pledge.pdf (68 kB)
sustainabilty checklist LinkClick.pdf (132 kB)
Sustainability Checklist
sample parent letter.pdf (102 kB)
Sample Parent Letter
EVERYONE on the Same Page: District, Family and Community Collaboration
As Districts embark on the PBIS journey to reduce problem behaviors and increase adaptive, socially appropriate behaviors, buy-In from ALL major stakeholders is critical to the overall success of PBIS implementation. It is not enough to just have a few people in the school or district to buy in if a climate and society in which appropriate behavior is the norm is to be established. District, family, and community support is vital to the sustainability of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. The support of PBIS by all major stakeholders ensures the continued ability of the school to decrease office discipline referrals; which gives educators a classroom atmosphere where learning is the number one activity.
This session will provide strategies on how to acquire political support, business investment, media coverage, parental involvement, and school support as each of these resources are crucial to self-sustaining capacity building within each district. The presenter will share how she acquired buy-in as a District Coordinator to implement successful District-Wide PBIS.
Political support is one the three key components to ensure the district leadership teams have the support necessary to train, coach, and evaluate the local schools for continued success. Business support can provide the impetus for parental involvement and political support by bestowing schools with recognition in many ways. Positive media coverage can assist political, parental, business and community support. The link between families and positive behavioral interventions and supports is an important one. When families are meaningfully involved in educational activities their children do better in schools.