PBIS and School Based Mental Health in Murray County Schools
Presentation Abstract
This session is designed to give an overview of school-based mental health services in Murray County School District and how they support and enhance the PBIS framework. We will discuss the history of PBIS in this rural school district along with the challenges and successes experienced. The process that led to the implementation of the school based mental health partnership with Georgia HOPE will also be explained as well as the extreme benefits seen by both staff and students in the school system. Meeting the unmet needs of students with mental health challenges impacts student attendance, behavioral and academic outcomes, and discipline in a positive way. We will also discuss our plan to grow the partnership and next steps. Parents benefit from this partnership on a regular basis, as these services assist families with the skills necessary to carry positive interventions and coping skills over into the home environment.
Recommended Citation
Rogers, Jill; McCrickard, Rachel; and Blanton, Rebecca, "PBIS and School Based Mental Health in Murray County Schools" (2017). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 13.
PBIS and School Based Mental Health in Murray County Schools
This session is designed to give an overview of school-based mental health services in Murray County School District and how they support and enhance the PBIS framework. We will discuss the history of PBIS in this rural school district along with the challenges and successes experienced. The process that led to the implementation of the school based mental health partnership with Georgia HOPE will also be explained as well as the extreme benefits seen by both staff and students in the school system. Meeting the unmet needs of students with mental health challenges impacts student attendance, behavioral and academic outcomes, and discipline in a positive way. We will also discuss our plan to grow the partnership and next steps. Parents benefit from this partnership on a regular basis, as these services assist families with the skills necessary to carry positive interventions and coping skills over into the home environment.