Biography of Primary Presenter
Dr.Maggie Kjer is the Pearson Assessment Consultant for Georgia and Regional Manager for the Clinical Assessment team in the southeastern/southwestern United States. Maggie’s background is in special education, reading, and assessment. Maggie’s teaching career spans over 20 years and includes teaching experiences on three continents and several different states. Maggie primarily worked in self-contained EBD programs where her reading specialty allowed her to provide relevant assessment and instruction. She has been with Pearson since 2000 and currently resides in Georgia with her husband and golden retriever Connelly. Maggie is a member of Phi Delta Kappa International.
Presentation Abstract
The FBA Process for students with challenging behaviors raises concerns for whether this is beyond the scope of an educator’s skills and capabilities. This workshop will provide an overview of the FBA process and explore a PBIS team-based approach that leads to a more practical and efficient method for assessing common behavior problems in school settings.
The presenters will demonstrate how using FBA’s within the PBIS framework results in better outcomes for teacher training and improved problem student behavior. Additionally, the presenters will demonstrate a digital tool for conducting relevant, comprehensive FBA’s.
Recommended Citation
Kjer, Maggie PhD and DuBose, Blake, "FBA's and PBIS: Using FBA's as Part of Your PBIS Process to Improve Problem Student Behavior" (2016). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 19.
FBA's and PBIS: Using FBA's as Part of Your PBIS Process to Improve Problem Student Behavior
The FBA Process for students with challenging behaviors raises concerns for whether this is beyond the scope of an educator’s skills and capabilities. This workshop will provide an overview of the FBA process and explore a PBIS team-based approach that leads to a more practical and efficient method for assessing common behavior problems in school settings.
The presenters will demonstrate how using FBA’s within the PBIS framework results in better outcomes for teacher training and improved problem student behavior. Additionally, the presenters will demonstrate a digital tool for conducting relevant, comprehensive FBA’s.