Faculty Adoption of an Integrated Information Literacy Program: Mining for Motivation and Impact

Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)

Target Audience

Higher Education


Room 2010


See presentation description.

Presentation Description

What happens when faculty take ownership of an information literacy initiative? Over the last four years, faculty at Trinity University in San Antonio, TX have been re-designing courses and creating new assignments in order to better integrate information literacy. Find out how they’ve done it, what motivates them, how it impacts students, and what role librarians have played along the way.


Information literacy, Information literacy integration, Faculty perception of information literacy, Library-faculty collaboration

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Sep 21st, 2:45 PM Sep 21st, 4:00 PM

Faculty Adoption of an Integrated Information Literacy Program: Mining for Motivation and Impact

Room 2010

See presentation description.