What You Don't Know…Will Hurt You (and Your Students): A Zombie Apocalypse Tool Kit for Your Faculty
Type of Presentation
Panel (1 hour and 15 minutes presentation total for two or more presenters)
Target Audience
Higher Education
Room 1005
See presentation description.
Short Description
Faculty members often believe they have all the answers and have cornered the research market in their respective disciplines. By adopting, a “this is what I would recommend for your students” approach, the academic resources unit at a small, private University increased interest in continuing education among portions of the faculty. By facilitating more continuing education opportunities, collaboration re-animated professors’ assignments, and subsequently, re-animated student research methods and writing skill sets. Come hear how Librarian and Writing Center partnerships in faculty presentations are beginning to foster interest among faculty in enhancing their assignments. This collaboration has also led to a stronger sense of coordination between faculty, their assignments, and academic resources.
Academic resources, Faculty development, Library-faculty collaboration, Research methods, Writing and composition, Information literacy
Publication Type and Release Option
Presentation (Open Access)
Recommended Citation
Odoom, Amee; Shealy, Ashley; and Winchester, Kevin, "What You Don't Know…Will Hurt You (and Your Students): A Zombie Apocalypse Tool Kit for Your Faculty" (2012). Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy. 73.
What You Don't Know…Will Hurt You (and Your Students): A Zombie Apocalypse Tool Kit for Your Faculty
Room 1005
See presentation description.