Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)

Target Audience



Room 218


See presentation description.

Short Description

This presentation will explain the results that examined how Information Literacy is taught in teacher education programs within the 16 Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) states. The methodology consisted of an extensive review of the literature, and NCATE standards and accreditation reports, coupled with interviews of teacher education coordinators. The presenters will highlight best practices and essential characteristics that may be included in making a program more successful. In addition, researchers will report on the use of online tutorials, helplets, and toher innovative actions characterized as best practices to promote their use by other courses in the curriculum.


Information literacy, Teacher education

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Oct 4th, 9:45 AM Oct 4th, 10:45 AM

Teaching the Teacher: How to Integrate Information Literayc into the Curriculum

Room 218

See presentation description.