Term of Award

Spring 1988

Degree Name

Master of Science in Biology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Biology

Committee Chair

Daniel V. Hagan

Committee Member 1

Wayne A. Krissinger

Committee Member 2

Frank E. French


Population dynamics of Lutzomyia shannoni Dyar (Diptera: Psychodidae), the most abundant sand fly on Ossabaw Island, Georgia, were monitored by carbon dioxide-baited CDC miniature light traps during a 21-month period (April 1986-December 1987). A total of 19,788 adult L. shannoni was collected. Adult L. shannoni appeared in April of each year, showed peaks of abundance in May 1986 and in May and July 1987, and disappeared in late October or early November. Adult light trap collections were statistically significant for mean nightly temperature and 14-day precollection rainfall, but not for relative humidity, wind velocity or moon phase. Significantly more adults were collected in light traps at ground level (0.5 m) as compared to heights of 4 and 8 m. Aspiration collections of adults from diurnal resting sites in and around tree holes indicate preference for dark, moist tree holes and cavities of various hardwoods. Blood-fed female L. shannoni collected in light traps were found to have fed on feral or domestic swine. Vesicular stomatitis viral activity, as measured by antibodies in feral and domestic swine, occurred in a cycle that roughly corresponded to seasonal appearance of adult L. shannoni during 1986 and 1987.

Mouthparts of adult male and female L. shannoni, L. longipalpis Lutz & Neiva and Phlebotomus papatasi Scopoli were examined with light and scanning electron microscopy. Parameters compared include length and width of mandible, hypopharynx, labrum, maxillary palp (length only), lacinia (length only), number of teeth or setae on mandible, hypopharynx, and labrum, length of tooth or setae row on mandible, hypopharynx, and labrum. P. papatasi females possess significantly longer mandibles, labrum, hypopharynx, laciniae, and maxillary palps than L. shannoni or L. longipalpis. Significantly more teeth were present on mandibles and hypopharynx of L. shannoni females than for female L. longipalpis or P. papatasi. The hypopharynx and maxillary palps were significantly shorter for L. shannoni males than for male L. longipalpis or P. papatasi.

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