Term of Award

Spring 1996

Degree Name

Master of Science in Biology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Biology

Committee Chair

Daniel V. Hagan

Committee Member 1

Frank E. French

Committee Member 2

Donald J. Drapalik


Population dynamics of immature and adult pine tip moths (Rhyacionia spp.) and their parasites were monitored from five plots of different aged and silviculturally treated loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) stands in eastern Bulloch County, Georgia from May 1995- May 1996 by pheromone baited wing traps and pine shoot collections. Pine tip moths may cause severe damage to pine stands including shoot deformation, stunted growth, and cone crop reduction. Larvae, pupae and adult pine tip moths were most abundant (P≤0.05) in a two year old, normally cultured loblolly pine stand. Significant positive correlations were observed between tip moth larvae and relative humidity, and maximum/ minimum air temperatures. In addition, significant negative correlations were observed between tip moth pupae and maximum/minimum air temperatures. Ten parasitic species were collected: Bracon variabilis, Conura side, Eupelmis cyaniceps, Eurytoma pini, Horismenus spp., Hyssopus rhyacioniae, Itoplectis conquisitor, Lixophaga mediocris, Macrocentrus ancylivorus, and Sympiesis stigmatipennis. This is the first record of C. side as a Rhyaciona spp. parasite and the first record of B. variabilis in Georgia. The eulophid wasp, Hyssopus rhyacioniae, was the most abundant parasite, constituting 74% of all parasitic species collected during the course of this study.

Differences in plots, ages of plots, and silvicultural treatment did not appear to reveal correlations in the determination of parasite population levels. Significant negative correlations were observed between parasites and mean weekly relative humidity, as well as mean weekly maximum and minimum air temperatures.

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