Term of Award

Summer 1995

Degree Name

Master of Health Science

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

James A. Streater

Committee Member 1

Marilyn M. Buck

Committee Member 2

Sara Plaspohl


A comparison between the Bachelor of Science nursing (BSN) students and the Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) students reveals that the BSN students ranked higher in the scales of'Lack of Western Ethnocentrism' and 'Cultural Knowledge — General.' Comparing the American respondents with the non-American respondents, the American respondents scored lower on the scales 'Lack of Western Ethnocentrism', 'Experience', 'Cognitive Flex', 'Cultural Knowledge — Specific', and 'Interpersonal Sensitivity.' A significant difference was found between the two groups regarding the respondents' place of birth and the country lived in the longest, where their spouse was born, as well as, where their parents were bom and lived the longest.

Although health professionals often desire to help those in need, such a desire is often not enough. If the client is of a different culture from the health care professional, cultural differences often interfere with the delivery of health care. If the health professional does not have adequate information about the potential health beliefs and cultural background of the client, the professional may actually do more harm than good. Information about various cultures is often not enough Health professionals need to spend time with culturally different people.

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