Term of Award

Summer 1997

Degree Name

Master of Education

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)

Committee Chair

Dale F. Grant

Committee Member 1

Robert A. Martin

Committee Member 2

Stephen J. Jenkins


The area of Career Services on college and university campuses is ever-changing. The boom of technology makes it easier for students to find and examine job openings via the Internet and to put their resume on line. These advancements are good as they help Career Services office's expand their job search services and provide the most current technology available to students while continuing to offer the traditional job search services. According to McBride and Muffin (1991), the main focus of Career Services has always been on helping students develop effective job search skills to obtain an interview and hopefully a job offer.

However, few services are offered to students to help them develop skills to survive in the work force once they have obtained a job. Some colleges offer services geared toward adults such as the dislocated worker workshops offered by the state of Missouri, but similar services are not available to the student populations on college campuses. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine whether or not services geared towards providing job survival skills would be beneficial to undergraduate students by preparing them for the work world. If the workshops are found to be perceived as beneficial by the students, this would be valuable information for institutions across the nation, expanding Career Services to include job survival skills training.

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