Term of Award

Spring 2000

Degree Name

Master of Science in Kinesiology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Health and Kinesiology

Committee Chair

W. Kent Guion

Committee Member 1

Paul Geisler

Committee Member 2

Susan Geisler

Committee Member 3

A. Barry Joiner


Study Design: Single group test-retest.

Objective: To examine the relationship between thoracolumbar stabilization and mean serve velocity and serve accuracy of collegiate tennis players with a mean age of 19.75 ± 1.42 years.

Background: The role of thoracolumbar stability in the prevention and rehabilitation of individuals with lumbar back pain has been explored, however, little experimental research has been conducted on the relationship of thoracolumbar stability and sports performance.

Methods and Measures: Participants were pretested for thoracolumbar stabilization, mean serve velocity, and serve accuracy using the Thoracolumbar Functional Gym Stabilization Evaluation, a Jugs® Radar Gun, and Hewitt's Tennis Achievement Test for Accuracy. Participants completed a six week training program consisting of six medicine ball exercises after which the participants were post-tested.

Results: There was a significant increase in stability levels (p = .0001), a significant decrease in velocity scores (p =.016), and no change in accuracy scores (p = . 136). Correlations revealed a weak relationship between stability and velocity during the pre-test (r = .318, p = .314), and a weak relationship during the post-test (r = .294, p =.380). Correlations revealed a moderate relationship between stability and accuracy during the pre-test (r = .493, p = .148), and a weak relationship during the post-test (r = .161, p = .656). for stability and velocity. There was no significant change over time in either relationship.

Conclusion: These results suggest that a six week training program improves thoracolumbar stabilization and that a weak to moderate, stable relationship between thoracolumbar stabilization and serve accuracy and serve velocity exists.

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