Term of Award

Summer 1996

Degree Name

Master of Science

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Health and Kinesiology

Committee Chair

Barton P. Buxton

Committee Member 1

J. C. Anderson

Committee Member 2

A. Barry Joyner

Committee Member 3

James L. McMillan


The results of this study can enhance the need for improvement of athletic health care services being provided to student athletes in Georgia's secondary schools. By assessing the current status of athletic health care services being provided in Georgia's secondary schools, a needs assessment can be formulated assessing athletic health care in Georgia's secondary schools. Implications may enhance the public awareness, as well as support the need to have NATABOC certified athletic trainers working at each secondary school in Georgia.

The following questions were addressed in this study:

1) Do the student athletes in the secondary schools in Georgia have appropriate access to allied health personnel during organized practices and games?

2) Do differences exist in athletic health care coverage among classifications (AAAA, AAA, AA, A) in Georgia's secondary schools?

3) Do the current providers of athletic health care in Georgia's secondary schools have appropriate education in managing and treating acute athletic injuries?

4) Is the medical care provided for Georgia's secondary school children adequate?

5) Does a record keeping system exist for sustained athletic injuries in Georgia's secondary schools?

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