Term of Award

Summer 1986

Degree Name

Master of Technology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

Keith F. Hickman

Committee Member 1

Arv Vogel

Committee Member 2

Earl R. Andrews


Maintaining and increasing efficiency of industries have for long been a recurrent universal theme and by nature of the past and present economic situation, can be expected to remain so in the future. For this reason alone it is important to understand what is meant by 'efficiency' as related to the operations of a company.

Efficiency is a judgement, statement of preference. In the context of economics, the judgements of preference are about allocations of resources (Lerner, 1979). By allocations in the full sense, Lerner means a statement of the inputs and outputs of every production process, of the productive resources, and labor and property. Economic efficiency requires maximizing profits and simultaneously minimizing costs while operating in competitive markets.

Efficiency is important in all industries and printing is no different. Printers are concerned with reaping the maximum profits for the least amount of cost. To do this a conscious and analytical management team is necessary.

Printing is a known technology—the same equipment, supplies, machinery, and personnel are available to everyone. The management of these resources makes the differences among printing companies. This is especially true for small printing companies, where the smallest amount of waste can be very detrimental. An important result of good management is economic success. To achieve economic success management needs to identify and correct inefficient practices machinery, and/or personnel.

To be able to cope successfully with the increasing competition in the printing industry, companies have to be able to maintain economic efficiency while adapting to the constant change in the public needs and the rapid growth of technology.

Putting together a successful and economically sound organization is not a matter of luck or good fortune. It results from a keen analysis of the present situation, identification of problems and/or potential problems, a prediction of present and future needs, analysis of customer needs, a good management team, and a plan for developing or securing resources

This study attempts to identify economic inefficiencies similar to many medium-sized printing companies. It is also designed to give suggestions and recommendations for improvement of these inefficiencies.

It is hoped that the problems identified and the recommendations and suggestions given will help medium-sized printing companies identify and solve similar problems.

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