Term of Award

Summer 1997

Degree Name

Master of Education in Higher Education Student Services

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)


Department of Leadership, Technology, and Human Development

Committee Chair

Dale F. Grant

Committee Member 1

Michael T. Moore

Committee Member 2

Bryan W. Griffin


This study contains a review of research which differs and/or coincides with present findings on academic advising. It includes an examination of the College of Education Academic Advisement Services based on students' perceptions.

In this study the Review of Literature covers five main categories. Essential Nature of Advising, Faculty versus Professional Advisors, Roles of the Advisors and Advisees, Developmental Advising - The Solution, and Establishing the Center.

The results section of this study covers three main categories, Advisors Advising, Advisors Educating, and the Advisement Center Services which contained questions and responses from the survey. Also, four open-ended questions will be presented individually. Under the category Advisor Advising are the subcategories, Academic Challenges, Academic Time Constraints, and Academic Responsibility; under the category Advisors Educating are the subcategories, Academic Improvements, and Academic Requirements; and under the category Advisement Center Services are the subcategories, Academic Advisors Limiting, Academic Advisors Referring, and Academic Rating of Professional Advisors and the Advisement Center. Each subcategory will contain questions from the survey. Academic advising tasks, developmental advising strategies, and effective advising methods will be noted as well as suggestions to improve services.

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