Term of Award

Summer 2000

Degree Name

Master of Science

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Health and Kinesiology

Committee Chair

James L. McMillan

Committee Member 1

Paul R. Geisler

Committee Member 2

Susan A. Geisler

Committee Member 3

A. Barry Joyner


Study Design: To determine if significant differences for active total trunk rotation are present in anterior, neutral and posterior pelvic tilt positions, three repeated measures analysis of variances (RM-ANOVA) were performed.

Objective: To determine, from the seated posture, whether the anterior, neutral or posterior position of the spine and pelvis is associated with achieving active total trunk rotation.

Background: Many researchers have assessed the movements of the spine, but little research has examined how various pelvic positions influences spinal mobility. Spinal rotation is necessary for functional activity and may be a contributing factor to the incidence of back pain.

Methods and Measures: Reflective markers were placed on the acromion processes to track trunk rotation. Markers were also placed on the ASIS and PSIS to track pelvic tilt. Female participants performed the instructed movements in a seated position while being video recorded. All angular measurements were determined from digitized video data.

Results: A significant difference was found for the amount of active total trunk rotation achieved in the neutral position when compared to an anterior or posterior pelvic tilt position (p < 0.05).

Conclusions: These results suggest that pelvic position influences the amount of active total trunk rotation achieved in the seated position. Further research should examine male participants as well as trunk rotation while standing.

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