Term of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Educational Administration

Document Type and Release Option

Dissertation (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Leadership, Technology, and Human Development

Committee Chair

T. C. Chan

Committee Member 1

Cordelia Douzenis

Committee Member 2

Cathy S. Jording

Committee Member 3

Jennie Rakestraw

Committee Member 4

Robert A. Martin


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between teachers' perceptions of principal effectiveness and gender of the teacher and gender of the principal. In this correlational study, the "'Principal Leadership Inventory" was used to obtain quantitative ratings of perceived principal effectiveness. Intact groups of teachers from randomly selected schools in Georgia participated in the study. Indicators based on eight factors of principal effectiveness were included on the instrument as follows: build a safe and secure environment, develop personal and professional leadership, establish community relations, foster team building and morale, model decision making and interpersonal skills, promote student achievement, provide curriculum and instructional leadership, and utilize organizational management. A total of 842 teachers completed and returned surveys. Overall, principals were perceived to be effective based on the indicators and factors included on the instrument. Without regard to gender of the teacher, female principals received higher scores overall; however, male teachers tended to rate male principals highly while female teachers rated female principals highly. In the multiple regression analysis, the amount of variance explained in perceived principal effectiveness scores based on principal gender was significant in every factor except 'building a safe and secure environment'. Teacher gender was not found to be significant in explaining the variance in perceived principal effectiveness scores in the overall regression model.


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