Term of Award

Spring 1996

Degree Name

Master of Health Science

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)

Committee Chair

James A. Streater

Committee Member 1

Robert G. Lefavi

Committee Member 2

Marilyn M. Buck


The study examined the foot care knowledge and foot care habits of a random sample (n = 540) of residents of Chatham County, Georgia. Data were collected using a mail survey which had a response rate of 26.29% (142 responses). Data analysis indicated that foot pain and discomfort are a significant problem for more than half of the respondents (57.87%). The emphasis of fashion over fit of both shoe-manufacturers, and society in general, appears to contribute significantly to the problem. Lack of education in preventive measures for foot health is also a significant contributing factor. Replication of the study is recommended to determine if these health problems are typical of the general population, or limited to this region of South-East Georgia. Early preventive education is also recommended as a means of reducing the incidence of foot pain among the population.

OCLC Number



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