Term of Award

Fall 1999

Degree Name

Master of Science

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Health and Kinesiology

Committee Chair

James L. McMillan

Committee Member 1

A. Barry Joyner

Committee Member 2

Joanne Chopak

Committee Member 3

Paul R. Geisler


Currently in Athletic Training, undergraduate educational programs are given the independent freedom to evaluate, and grade students on psychomotor skills any way they choose. No national standards exist for the evaluation and grading of students for psychomotor skills at the undergraduate level. The purposes of this research were to obtain data on the frequencies of the use of six evaluation methods and two grading methods at CAAHEP accredited undergraduate schools, and to determine if the use of the suggested methods produced significant differences on students' success on the oral practical examination. A thirteen-question survey was mailed to program directors asking them to provide data pertaining to their institution. The results report the use of open checklists as the most frequently used evaluation method and an equal use of the pass/fail grading method and letter grading methods. No significant differences were found with the use of the evaluation methods or with the grading methods on a students success on the oral practical examination. Significant difference was found when students were taught and practiced psychomotor skills in the college laboratory setting. It is suggested that undergraduate athletic training programs utilize the college laboratory for the instruction and practice of psychomotor skills.

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