Term of Award

Winter 1999

Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Educational Administration

Document Type and Release Option

Dissertation (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Leadership, Technology, and Human Development

Committee Chair

T. C. Chan


The absence of research in nursing education policy decisions resulted in the research question: Is there a difference in perceptions on nursing education issues among policy actors in Georgia's nursing education policy domain? Policy actors were defined as nurse educators, members of professional and state nursing organizations, and the Georgia Board of Nursing. A survey instrument was mailed to all known nurse educators in Georgia's institutions of public higher education and members of the Georgia Board of Nursing.

The results from the 60% response rate were analyzed using non-parametric tests. The study found most of the nursing education issues were perceived differently in future and current importance by nursing education policy actors. Nursing policy issues that have been historically debated continued to demonstrate differences in perception. These issues also continued to be considered a priority in importance among those sampled in the study.

As nursing education enters the new millennium, this study provided identification of nursing education issues and research that begins to fill a gap in nursing education policy literature. Considering that some of the nursing education issues studied have beer so for many years, it behooves nursing education and its leaders to move beyond discussion to resolve these issues and focus on a policy plan that will direct nursing education for the future.

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