Term of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Kinesiology with an Emphasis in Sport Psychology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Health and Kinesiology

Committee Chair

Kevin L. Burke

Committee Member 1

A. Barry Joyner

Committee Member 2

Charles J. Hardy


Past research has investigated athletic trainers' perceptions and application of psychological interventions in treating injured athletes (Brewer, Van Raalte, & Linder, 1991; Ford & Gordon. 1997; Francis, Andersen. & Maley. 2000; Larson. Starkey. & Zaichkowsky, 1996; Wiese. Weiss, & Yukelson. 1991). Limited research has examined athletic trainers' education of sport psychology and how it could affect the attitudes towards psychological interventions in treating injured athletes. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate athletic training students" perceptions and use of psychological interventions in treating injured athletes. A second purpose was to examine the education received by athletic training students pertaining to sport psychology interventions. Participants included 99 athletic training students (59 women. 40 men) from Division 1. 11. and II universities in the Southeast. The Sport Psychology in the Athletic Training Room: Athletic Training Students Perspectives (SPA FR-A I SP) was administered to all participants either by mail or in person. The questionnaire was adapted from instruments developed by Ballek (2001). Brewer et al. (1991). Larson et al. (1996) and Wiese et al. (1991). Overall, the athletic training students reported a positive attitude toward sport psychology and reported wanting to receive further education on psychological interventions to implement them more effectively and properly. Less than half (43%) of the participants indicated no formal education in sport psychology interventions. Those participants who had received education had only taken one course pertaining to psychological interventions. Over half (55%) of the participants indicated never implementing psychological interventions with injured athletes, but agreed that psychological interventions assist athletes in rehabilitation. There were no significant differences found for gender and education on any of the factors on the SPATR-ATSP, however, main effects were found. Professionals in sport psychology and athletic training should work together to assist athletic training students in applying sport psychology principles with injured athletes.


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