Term of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Kinesiology with an Emphasis in Sport Psychology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Health and Kinesiology

Committee Chair

Charles J. Hardy

Committee Member 1

Kevin L. Burke

Committee Member 2

A. Barry Joyner


The performance profile, based on Kelly's (1955) Personal Construct Theory, has been effectively used in the sport arena with individual athletes (Butler. 1989). However, little research has been conducted offering alternative uses of performance profiling with teams. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between team performance profiles and team cohesion. Participants in this study were male (n = 24) and female (n=21) soccer student-athletes from a southeastern university. The study was conducted using three team meetings that were spaced five weeks apart. During the initial meeting, each soccer team created an ideal soccer team performance profile and their team performance profile. Hach member of the team then decided where he or she as a team member, rated on the ideal team performance profile. In addition, each athlete completed the Group Environment Questionnaire (Carron, Widmeyer, & Brawley, 1985). At the second and third meetings each team re-evaluated the team performance profile and the team member performance profile. The GEQ was also readministered. After each team meeting, two discrepancy scores were calculated. Using Pearson's product moment correlation method and Fisher's Z test, these scores were analyzed as a function of time and gender. Separate 2x3 ANOVAs (gender x time) were also employed to test hypothesis of interest. Significant correlations were found for the women's GIT and Dj| and ATGT and D^- Further, significant correlations were found for the men's ATGS and Dj j and ATGS D^. Additionally, significant interactions emerged for gender and time of season for Dy, Dj. and GIT. Results indicated the proof that performance profiling can be extended to teams, and the profile is related to team cohesion.

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