Term of Award

Spring 1998

Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Educational Administration

Document Type and Release Option

Dissertation (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Leadership, Technology, and Human Development

Committee Chair

Michael D. Richardson

Committee Member 1

T. C. Chan

Committee Member 2

Kenneth F. Clark

Committee Member 3

Cordelia Douzenis


The state of Georgia is unique in its approach to the integration of technology in public colleges of education. Two organizations: the Professional Standards Commission (PSC) and the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) oversee the accreditation of the 14 Georgia public colleges of education. Standards for technology have been adopted by these organizations based on the International Society for Technology Education (ISTE) guidelines.

Additionally, funds have been appropriated by the Georgia State Legislature since the inception of the Georgia State Lottery in 1992 to support the purchase of technology equipment for the colleges of education through a system of matching grants. A review of the literature indicated that information relating to technology availability and faculty utilization of technology for the delivery of classroom instruction was virtually nonexistent. Given these factors, this research study investigated whether technology equipment and applications were available and utilized in the 14 Georgia public college of education for the delivery of classroom instruction.

Three hundred forty-three faculty members employed by the 14 Georgia public colleges of education teaching in elementary, middle, secondary and special education instructional areas were selected as the population for the study. A 27-item survey was used to collect data. The survey was divided into two parts. Part one included 15 questions regarding the availability of technology equipment which required "yes", "no" and "unknown" responses. If the participant answered "yes" they were directed to answer a five-point Likert scale question related to equipment utilization. Part two used the same format for 11 questions relating to the availability and utilization of technology applications. Question 27 asked the participants to respond to five personal characteristics questions.

Results of the study indicated that technology was available and utilized in the 14 Georgia public colleges of education in varying degrees. Older forms of technology equipment and computers were reported to be available and used. Technology applications such as word processing and e-mail were also reported as available and used by the faculty in the delivery of classroom instruction. However, newer emerging technologies were not generally available or utilized. This study serves as a basis for future research regarding the availability and utilization of technology by faculty in post-secondary institutions.

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