Term of Award

Summer 1995

Degree Name

Master of Science

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Computer Science

Committee Chair

Mark Aulick

Committee Member 1

Chong-wei Xu

Committee Member 2

Ahmed Barbour


The goal of this project was to automate the solution of scheduling problems which would allow more efficient student advising. After the problem had been analyzed carefully, it seemed to be possible to implement a computer ASP The importance of a user-friendly interface was implemented by choosing a graphical, window based approach in the OS/2 operating system. The implementation of an efficient algorithm in conjunction with accurate, fast data structures allowed creation of a schedule in less than 3 seconds on average. In conclusion, the result of the project was a fast, accurate, and reliable software tool that helps faculty in the Computer Science Department to perform a more efficient advising procedure.

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