Term of Award

Summer 2000

Degree Name

Master of Science

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Committee Chair

Chong-wei Xu

Committee Member 1

Mark Aulick

Committee Member 2

Ahmed Barbour


This project intends to develop a component—based middle—tier server in the three—tier architecture with Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB). With component—based technology and distributed object technology, it is not only possible to build up scalable middle—tiers, but it is also easier to divide the entire system into modules according to their functionality. Obviously, it is easy to say but hard to do. We need to be able to answer many questions before being able to do it. These questions include the following.

• How can we deal with communications between clients and third-tier servers, such as office files or database systems?

• How can we deal with transactions for a database in the third—tier?

• How can we deal with object names when referring to remote objects?

• How do we locate remote object? How do we manage components? and so on.

Considering all these problems, there is much work to do before we can concentrate on the business logic in an application. That is one of the reasons three—tier or multi—tier applications were not very popular in industry for many years.

In this project, we are going to answer all of these questions by using a real e-commerce application as an example. This application is named "Du's Online Store" which allows users to order products — dogs — remotely via a Web browser from anywhere over the world. The project illustrates the programming process for the development of EJB components, the development of Web components, and the assembly and deployment of these components into a J2EE application. The major part of the project is the building process of a fully functional middle-tier server for the E-Commerce application by using the J2EE technology.

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