Term of Award

Spring 1999

Degree Name

Master of Education

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)


Department of Leadership, Technology, and Human Development

Committee Chair

Dale Grant

Committee Member 1

Stephen Jenkins

Committee Member 2

Mary Jackson

Committee Member 3

Melanie McClellan


This quantitative study investigates differences in student leaders" satisfaction with their institution. An adapted form of the ACT Student Opinion Survey (four-year-form) is administered to 103 student leaders representing two types of leadership positions, those selected or hired by the institution and those elected by their peers. Descriptive statistics and independent t-tests indicate only 2 significant differences in the satisfaction areas assessed. Both groups of student leaders tend to have moderate to high levels of satisfaction with their institution. However, selected/hired student leaders have more homogeneous satisfaction scores than the student leaders elected by their peers. Hired student leaders indicate moderate to high levels of satisfaction with student affairs professionals. This study aids in understanding of how student leader satisfaction varies based on different aspects of the institution which is beneficial when working with student leaders.

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