Term of Award

Summer 1997

Degree Name

Master of Arts

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Committee Chair

William L. Smith

Committee Member 1

Thomas J. Gorman

Committee Member 2

Peggy G. Hargis


This study examines how economic status (i.e. total family income) affects the educational achievements for 491, 16 to 25 year old African-American respondents. The National Survey of Black Americans, Wave 1-1979 and Wave 2-1987, was used for this analysis. Data were obtained from the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (Study #6668). Number of parents present in the household, being female and frequency of church attendance, perceptions of discrimination, and parents' education are considered as they relate to education. Regression analysis indicates that all parameter estimates, except number of parents present in the household, operate as hypothesized. Level of family income, parents' educational attainment and perception of discrimination in education and job are significantly associated with respondents' years of education. The parameter estimate for number of parents present in the household is insignificant suggesting that the presence of a parent is not as important as the economic status of the household, in determining the effects on educational achievements of respondents.

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