Term of Award

Spring 1990

Degree Name

Master of Science

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

Wayne A. Krissinger

Committee Member 1

Sara Neville Bennett

Committee Member 2

Lisa K. Wagner


The mutant In this study, designated H-l, a colonial pigmentation mutant of the fungus Neurospora crassa, was isolated following ultraviolet irradiation of wild type conidia. Colonials have restricted growth rather than the rapidly spreading mycelium exhibited by the wild type fungus. Microscopy revealed that the colony of H-l was formed from small zones of peripheral growth that consisted of mycelial mats of short branching hyphae which have lateral fusions. From this mass, aerial hyphae developed giving the colony an elevated warty appearance. Genetic analysis of H-l indicated 1:1 Mendelian segregation of mutant and wild type progeny. Crosses to tester strains revealed linkage of H-l to markers on the right arm of linkage group V and subsequent analysis Indicated allellsm to the peak locus. Asci from crosses of H-l X H-l produced asci with abnormally arranged ascospores as has been reported for crosses of peak X peak, furnishing additional support of allellsm. Both mutants displayed a unique pigmentation characteristic in that each produced little pigment when grown in constant light and were white to creamy in color. However, if incubated In the dark before light irradiation, they each produced pigment and were pink to peach in color. Differences in growth and morphology were observed between H-l and peak, suggesting that these mutants are not isoalleles.

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