"This Land is Whose Land? History, Fiction, and the 1800’s Cherokee Rem" by Payton Tolbert


This article explores the relationship between history and fiction closely, using Steve Inskeep’s Jacksonland as a source of study. Backed by the ideals of Beverley Southgate’s History Meets Fiction, the article analyzes the way that Andrew Jackson is viewed in current day’s society, based on the primary sources that are chosen to highlight him. It then aims to shine the light on his treasonous actions against the Cherokee nation and his conflict with John Ross. This begs the right to ask the question as to why Jackson is still so highly respected despite evidence condemning him. With a focus on the Cherokee nation’s feelings, this article uses newspapers from the 1800’s and commentary on treaties made with Native Americans to show that Jackson’s claim of voluntary removal is false. Because of a constant influx of fictionalization in news and events, the history that is studied is inherently fabricated. The goal of this article is to inspire revision of specific histories to uncover the truth from those voices that have not yet been heard.

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