"Unease at Home: Evading and Resisting the Draft during the Vietnam War" by Michael R. Beadle


In Evading and Resisting the Draft, this work defines and provides examples of draft evasion and resistance by prospective draftees in the United States during the Vietnam War. This work seeks to consider the motives and actions taken by draft evaders and resisters in the context of the overarching Cold War and tumult of the Vietnam War era. Attention is given to various demographic groups from African American, rural, and working-class communities and the disparities faced by many. In understanding these ideas, actions, and motives, readers gain a deeper understanding of the relationships forged between government and individuals during the Vietnam War era. Primary and secondary sources provide statistics and personal stories to further the knowledge of rationales. Young men largely evaded and resisted the draft due to the disruptions and danger war brought upon their lives through fleeing to Canada, faking ailments, or organizing and protesting against the war effort.

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