Georgia Southern Commons - SoTL Commons Conference: Practice. Practice. Practice. Do Homework Management Systems Work?


Research Proposal / Online Learning


Do online homework management systems improve student learning? Do they work as well for adult learners in an online course? This natural experiment divided a sample of 2500 online students in an entry level university economics course into three treatment groups to look at the relationship between homework support and quiz scores. Group A got no homework support. Group B got simple Microsoft Excel templates. Group C got an online homework management system. Join us for this interactive session where we’ll discuss our findings and collect your ideas on how these findings might translate into practice.

Session Format

Presentation Session


Room 2


Mar 29th, 11:00 AM Mar 29th, 11:45 AM

Practice. Practice. Practice. Do Homework Management Systems Work?

Room 2

Do online homework management systems improve student learning? Do they work as well for adult learners in an online course? This natural experiment divided a sample of 2500 online students in an entry level university economics course into three treatment groups to look at the relationship between homework support and quiz scores. Group A got no homework support. Group B got simple Microsoft Excel templates. Group C got an online homework management system. Join us for this interactive session where we’ll discuss our findings and collect your ideas on how these findings might translate into practice.