Students’ Academic Motivations in Three Disciplines

Trent W. Maurer, Georgia Southern University
Deborah Allen, Georgia Southern University
Delena Bell Gatch, Georgia Southern University
Padmini Shankar, Georgia Southern University
Diana Sturges, Georgia Southern University

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Article obtained from The Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.


Academic Performance; Self-determination theory; Academic Motivation Scale

Abstract: Students’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivations for taking classes in three disciplines, human anatomy and physiology, physics, and nutrition, were explored with discipline-specific adapted versions of the Academic Motivation Scale. Information on students’ study habits and efforts, and final course grades were also collected. Results revealed the adapted versions of the Academic Motivation Scale had comparable reliabilities to previous investigations, significant differences in motivations across the three disciplines, and significant influences of motivation on academic behaviors and course performance.