Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2-20-2014


Armstrong State University, Savannah, GA, Student newspaper, Career Services, Career Fair, LGBTQ, Compass Point, Nancy McCarley, Peach Belt Conference, Atlantic State University, John Boehner, Savannah Book Festival, Robocop, Savannah Bazaar


  • Need a Job? Katie Maddox
  • Breaking the silence on LGBTQ: One Professor's quest to change the conversation Randee May
  • Softball defeats Mars Hill, St. Leo Berry Aldridge
  • Clayton Miller leads in the classroom and behind the plate Tramaine Singleton
  • Gossip Girls: Why our culture is driven by them Rachael Flora
  • GOP spoke too soon on immigration Chicago Tribune
  • Savannah Book Festival hosts authors, excites reader Rachael Flora
  • Hinesville music scene given a second chance Bradley Mullis
  • 'Reasons to be Pretty' is more than just a pretty face Claire Golec
  • Savannah Bazaar continues growth Emily Smith


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