Honors College Theses

Publication Date



Exercise Science (B.S.)

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)

Faculty Mentor

Matthew Williamson


The purpose of this study is to see if physical activity (PA) is affected for students since transitioning from high school to their first semester in college. The study was conducted by asking questions pertaining to PA via an online survey through the platform Qualtrics. It will be administered to students at Georgia Southern University. However, only the data from freshmen students that meet specific criteria will be accounted for in this study. The data will be analyzed using Chi-squared to determine how PA is affected due to this transition. The data will compare the results from high school senior year PA levels to their current PA levels within their first semester to determine if PA has changed.

Thesis Summary

This study looks at how the transition to college in the first semester impacts the amount of physical activity for students at Georgia Southern University. Data was acquired through an anonymous and voluntary survey through the software Qualtrics. Statistical analysis completed using Chi-squared. Data compared responses pertaining to high school senior year PA levels to their current physical activity levels in their first semester. Results found that there was no significant changes for physical activity levels for freshmen students at Georgia Southern University.
