Term of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Biology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Biology

Committee Chair

James H. Oliver

Committee Member 1

W. Keith Hartberg

Committee Member 2

Edwin T. Hibbs


Male genital accessory gland development in Dermacentor variabilis is completed by the fourth day after initiation of feeding, while that in Argas radiatus (Argasidae) occurs between the first and tenth days after adult ecdysis. D. variabilis has twelve spongy and/or granular lobes, and A. radiatus has fourteen spongy and/or granular lobes. The glands lack cellular differentiation in immatures, but have four distinct cell types present in adults. Both species also possess apocrine, holocrine, and merocrine secretory mechanisms. Secretions contain acid polysaccharides, mucin, glycogen, basic protein, and other products. Continually produced accessory gland secretions accumulate before mating and are discharged at the time of mating. Additional secretory material is produced soon after mating. A new tubular cell type is described.

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