Term of Award

Spring 1993

Degree Name

Master of Science

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)

Committee Chair

T. Bruce McLean

Committee Member 1

John Rafter

Committee Member 2

Charles W. Champ


The purpose of this research was to conduct an investigation into the improvement of quality of the products produced by the Cooper Hand Tools Division of Cooper Industries and make recommendations where applicable. Two processes were chosen: induction hardness and computer numerical control (CNC) grinding. The Jaw 0010C and the Jaw 311C were two products involved in the induction hardness process that were under experimentation. In the CNC grinding area, the following products' quality were studied: 166L shear (top blade only), 766 shear ( bottom blade only), and the IDS-SB shear (top blade only). Using statistical procedures and designs, some recommendations and observations were recorded and reported to Cooper Hand Tools. A full explanation of the two topics follows, along with a summary of each experiment and its results.

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