Term of Award

Spring 2024

Degree Name

Master of Science, Electrical Engineering

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)

Copyright Statement / License for Reuse

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Committee Chair

Seungmo Kim

Committee Member 1

Rami Haddad

Committee Member 2

Sungkyun Lim


The evolution of connected vehicles from a distant futuristic concept to an integral part of daily life is indisputable. Vehicle-to-everything communication (V2X) serves as the cornerstone of this transformation, facilitating seamless interaction among vehicles, infrastructure, pedestrians, and networks. However, evaluating V2X system performance proves intricate due to the dynamic nature of vehicles influenced by mobility factors. To address this complexity, we have developed a specialized system-level simulator expressly for evaluating V2X communication performance. Notably, the simulator encompasses (i) intelligent transportation system (ITS) scenarios integrated into a geographical framework and (ii) the capability to assess cross-layer performance spanning physical (PHY) and radio resource control (RRC) aspects. Recent decisions by the United States federal government to reallocate spectrum bands, particularly the "5.9 GHz band" previously allocated to V2X, have raised concerns within the CV2X community. With only 40% of the original bandwidth retained for V2X communication (equivalent to 30 MHz), doubts arise regarding the adequacy of this spectrum allocation to support critical V2X safety messages and applications. To address these concerns systematically, we conduct a comprehensive investigation into various types of safety messages and their corresponding latency requirements. This investigation encompasses analyses of Packet Delivery Rates (PDR) and latency under diverse vehicular densities and quantities of Road Side Units (RSUs). Consequently, the study presents simulation outcomes scrutinizing the feasibility of meeting these requirements within the constraints of the 30-MHz spectrum configuration. Furthermore, given the prevalence of significant obstacles and high traffic density in urban city road environments, an in-depth analysis of vehicle performance under different Modulation and Coding Schemes (MCS) is imperative. These analyses are pivotal for ensuring the continued effectiveness and reliability of V2X systems amidst evolving regulatory landscapes and technological advancements in the realm of connected vehicles.

OCLC Number


Research Data and Supplementary Material

