Term of Award

Spring 2024

Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.)

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)

Copyright Statement / License for Reuse

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Department of Art

Committee Chair

Elsie Howington

Committee Member 1

Matthew Mogle

Committee Member 2

Melissa Huang


My art is always executed with a timeline in mind. I am influenced by a world as it exists in the distance past, the recent past, the present (with all its multifaceted complexities), and the near future (as it applies to my legacy after I'm gone), as well as the distance future. Time and space – to me - are all part of a grand narrative. The art that I create is an indexical gesture of my creative processes and these creative processes are reflected in the imagery that I create as well as the materials I use for my chosen substrates. I create art pieces that are part of an installation; my art often features two canvases (or panels) and have a middle or adjoining hinge or meta-hinge element. This key element somehow connects or relates to the two main components. There is a visual conversation or dialogue that occurs between the three elements. There are times when the hinge element takes the forefront and overshadows the two larger components. This instance in which the hinge or meta hinge supersedes the accompanying two elements can be seen as a reversal of roles in my art narrative. My art making system is influenced by three specific diagrams that I have learned over the years; these are The Graphic Design Process (as it was taught to me), Rapid Prototyping, and The ADDIE Model (ADDIE being an acronym for Assess, Design Develop, Implement, and Evaluate). My art contains physical aspects, visual imagery and rhetorical facets that reflect the work done by a small group of famous and influential artists that I admire. I try to emulate these artists and pay homage to them in my work; these artists are Manuel Neri, Rachel Whiteread, Luc Tuymans, Wade Guyton, John Baldessari, Shawn Wolfe, and László Moholy-Nagy.

OCLC Number


Research Data and Supplementary Material


Included in

Art Practice Commons
