Term of Award

Fall 2023

Degree Name

Master of Science, Information Technology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)

Copyright Statement / License for Reuse

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Department of Information Technology

Committee Chair

Yiming Ji

Committee Member 1

Hayden Wimmer

Committee Member 2

Meenalosini Vimal Cruz

Committee Member 3

Kim Jongyeop Kim

Committee Member 3 Email



Accessing websites with various devices has brought changes in the field of application development. The choice of cross-platform, reusable frameworks is very crucial in this era. This thesis embarks in the evaluation of front-end, back-end, and database technologies to address the status quo. Study-a explores front-end development, focusing on angular.js and react.js. Using these frameworks, comparative web applications were created and evaluated locally. Important insights were obtained through benchmark tests, lighthouse metrics, and architectural evaluations. React.js proves to be a performance leader in spite of the possible influence of a virtual machine, opening the door for additional research. Study b delves into backend scripting by contrasting node.js with php. The efficiency of sorting algorithms—binary, bubble, quick, and heap—is the main subject of the research. The performance measurement tool is apache jmeter, and the most important indicator is latency. Study c sheds light on database systems by comparing and contrasting the performance of nosql and sql, with a particular emphasis on mongodb for nosql. In a time of enormous data volumes, reliable technologies are necessary for data management. The five basic database activities that apache jmeter examines are insert, select, update, delete, and aggregate. The performance indicator is the amount of time that has passed. The results showed that the elapsed time for insert operations was significantly faster in nosql than in sql. The p-value for each operation result was less than 0.05, indicating that the performance difference is not significant. The results also showed that the elapsed time of update, delete, select, and aggregate operations are less in nosql than in sql. This suggests that the performance difference between sql and nosql is not significant. These research studies are combined in this thesis to provide a comprehensive understanding of database management, backend programming, and development frameworks. The results provide developers and organisations with the information they need to make wise decisions in this constantly changing environment and satisfy the expectations of a dynamic and diverse technology landscape.

INDEX WORDS: Framework, JavaScript, frontend, React.js, Angular.js, Node.js, PHP, Backend, technology, Algorithms, Performance, Apache JMeter, T-test, SQL, NoSQL, Database management systems, Performance comparison, Data operations, Decision-making.

OCLC Number


Research Data and Supplementary Material

