Novel approach to enhance critical thinking in research students

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Teaching Practices (Poster Only) – Analysis, synthesis, reflection, and discussion


Proper utilization of scientific literature, creativity, analytical thinking, and communication are essential skills for students who pursue a career in scientific research. Master of Biomedical Science students at Mercer University School of Medicine has been the subject of this study. A novel approach was used to engage students in activities associated with the appropriate use of scientific literature, reading, and understanding of research articles, critical data analysis, communication and creativity. Qualitative data collected from four consecutive years shows that this new approach benefit graduate students significantly in their early learning to build essential skills in biomedical research.

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Feb 24th, 8:15 AM

Novel approach to enhance critical thinking in research students

Proper utilization of scientific literature, creativity, analytical thinking, and communication are essential skills for students who pursue a career in scientific research. Master of Biomedical Science students at Mercer University School of Medicine has been the subject of this study. A novel approach was used to engage students in activities associated with the appropriate use of scientific literature, reading, and understanding of research articles, critical data analysis, communication and creativity. Qualitative data collected from four consecutive years shows that this new approach benefit graduate students significantly in their early learning to build essential skills in biomedical research.