Introduction to the Community Resiliency Model
First Presenter's Institution
First Presenter's Brief Biography
John Richardson-Lauve is a licensed clinical social worker with 30 years of experience working in community mental health. He is committed to strengthening individuals and communities that struggle with adversity. His experience includes therapy, foster care, hospice care, training, and organizational change leadership. He is the Mental Health Director at ChildSavers, an outpatient mental health clinic serving children and families in the Richmond community since 1924. He travels the country training in the area of trauma-informed care and resiliency-based practices.
Document Type
Primary Strand
Mental Health
Relevance to Primary Strand
The Community Resiliency Model is an evidenced based set of wellness skills to promote regulation and return to our resilience zone after stress or trauma. These can be taught to students and staff from a preventative and proactive position, or as a coping tool for a response to a recent crisis or trauma.
Alignment with School Improvement Plan Topics
Climate and Culture
Brief Program Description
The Community Resiliency Model (CRM)® is an evidenced based set of wellness skills that are aimed to train individuals to help themselves and others. The primary focus of this skill-based stabilization program is to re-set the natural balance of the nervous system. Understanding the neuroscience of our body's response to crisis, we can learn these wellness skills to proactively regulate the body's response and bring us back into our resilience zone.
Participants will leave this workshop with a set of skills that they can use for themselves and teach to others to return to our resilience zone. Understanding how our brains and bodies are connected gives us the ability to craft tools for each individual that can be at once preventative, proactive, and responsive to the impact of traumatic events and crisis.
CRM has been used across the United States and internationally. Examples include following hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting, the Haiti earthquake of 2010, with survivors of the 1994 Tutsi genocide survivors in Rwanda, and currently with individuals in Ukraine who work to return to their resilience zone after daily shelling and trauma.
Link to research on CRM:
Learning Objective 1
understand and practice actionable wellness skills to use for self-care.
Learning Objective 2
understand and teach actionable wellness skills for those with whom they work to help people return to their resilience zone.
Learning Objective 3
derstand the psychological interface with our emotional response to stress and crisis and articulate meaningful intervention tools to return to baseline response (wellness).
Recommended Citation
Richardson-Lauve, John, "Introduction to the Community Resiliency Model" (2023). Southeast Conference on School Climate. 8.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
Introduction to the Community Resiliency Model
Participants will leave this workshop with a set of skills that they can use for themselves and teach to others to return to our resilience zone. Understanding how our brains and bodies are connected gives us the ability to craft tools for each individual that can be at once preventative, proactive, and responsive to the impact of traumatic events and crisis.