We have reached fidelity, but how do we know how strong it is?

First Presenter's Institution

Vaughn Next Century Learning Center

First Presenter's Brief Biography

Dr. Katia Handal Director of School Readiness Center - Pandaland Vaughn Next Century Learning Center

Second Presenter's Institution

Vaughn Next Century Learning Center

Second Presenter’s Email Address


Second Presenter's Brief Biography

Griselda Ortiz Assistant Director of School Climate Vaughn Next Century Learning Center

Document Type


Primary Strand

Positive Behavior Interventions and Support

Relevance to Primary Strand

Develop sustainable PBIS practices in schools including methods to increase the effectiveness of school-wide PBIS at the classroom level and strategies for building school-level and district-level capacity/leadership.

Alignment with School Improvement Plan Topics

Leadership/ Continuous Improvement

Brief Program Description

In this session participants will learn the importance of utilizing various data points to measure the fidelity and effectiveness of their school wide PBIS implementation. The session will showcase the continuous improvement processes Vaughn Next Century Learning Center has implemented, along with the various tools utilized to collect data. In addition, participants will learn the integral role staff has played in Vaughn’s continuous improvement cycle.


In this session participants will learn the importance of utilizing different tools to gain a true understanding of the fidelity and effectiveness of their school wide PBIS practices. The session will showcase how Vaughn Next Century Learning Center utilizes different data points, such as the Tiered Fidelity Inventory, SET Evaluations, behavioral data (ODR/MIR), and now classroom observations to measure from a holistic standpoint the implementation fidelity of their PBIS practices. Participants will also learn the role staff has played in the improvement cycle and how school site leadership has been intentional in providing the space for staff to not only have a voice in the decision making, but also lead the efforts around PBIS implementation, data collection, analysis, and decision making.


Vaughn Next Century Learning Center collected various data sources such as the Tiered Fidelity Inventory, Behavioral Data (MIR/ODR), SET Evaluations, and classroom observation data to engage in the continuous improvement cycle for their school wide PBIS implementation, which has led Vaughn over the course of the last 2 years, to see vast improvements in their implementation fidelity.

Learning Objective 1

Participants will be able to understand how utilizing various data points of PBIS implementation is crucial to truly having a strong PBIS implementation fidelity.

Learning Objective 2

Participants will be able to understand the key roles school site leaders and staff play in an effective school wide PBIS implementation.

Learning Objective 3

Participants will be able to understand how to drive data based decision making by engaging in the continuous improvement cycle as a team.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

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We have reached fidelity, but how do we know how strong it is?

In this session participants will learn the importance of utilizing different tools to gain a true understanding of the fidelity and effectiveness of their school wide PBIS practices. The session will showcase how Vaughn Next Century Learning Center utilizes different data points, such as the Tiered Fidelity Inventory, SET Evaluations, behavioral data (ODR/MIR), and now classroom observations to measure from a holistic standpoint the implementation fidelity of their PBIS practices. Participants will also learn the role staff has played in the improvement cycle and how school site leadership has been intentional in providing the space for staff to not only have a voice in the decision making, but also lead the efforts around PBIS implementation, data collection, analysis, and decision making.