What’s Your Goal? Using Goal Setting and Feedback to Improve Teacher’s Use of Positive Behavior
Document Type
Individual Presentation
Primary Strand
Mental Health
Alignment with School Improvement Plan Topics
Climate and Culture
Although evidence-based practices for improving academic engagement for students with emotional and/or behavioral disorders (EBD) have been identified, many teachers do not implement these practices with optimal fidelity. Thus, effective strategies are needed to improve teacher fidelity. Performance feedback is an effective professional development strategy, but it is unclear if ancillary strategies like goal setting might further improve fidelity. In this study, researchers evaluated the effects of email performance feedback with and without goal setting on teacher implementation of opportunities to respond and behavior-specific praise using a multiple probe design. Participants included four general and special educators at an alternative school for students with EBD. Results indicated that a combination of written performance feedback and goal setting was effective and that performance feedback alone was also effective. Additionally, presenters will share teachers’ perceptions of the study. Finally, presenters will share strategies to incorporate goal setting into teacher professional development.
Recommended Citation
Criss, Caitlin Dr., "What’s Your Goal? Using Goal Setting and Feedback to Improve Teacher’s Use of Positive Behavior" (2023). Southeast Conference on School Climate. 116.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
What’s Your Goal? Using Goal Setting and Feedback to Improve Teacher’s Use of Positive Behavior
Although evidence-based practices for improving academic engagement for students with emotional and/or behavioral disorders (EBD) have been identified, many teachers do not implement these practices with optimal fidelity. Thus, effective strategies are needed to improve teacher fidelity. Performance feedback is an effective professional development strategy, but it is unclear if ancillary strategies like goal setting might further improve fidelity. In this study, researchers evaluated the effects of email performance feedback with and without goal setting on teacher implementation of opportunities to respond and behavior-specific praise using a multiple probe design. Participants included four general and special educators at an alternative school for students with EBD. Results indicated that a combination of written performance feedback and goal setting was effective and that performance feedback alone was also effective. Additionally, presenters will share teachers’ perceptions of the study. Finally, presenters will share strategies to incorporate goal setting into teacher professional development.