PBIS Training Part 5:Effective School-Wide Discipline Procedures
First Presenter's Institution
Georgia Southern University
First Presenter's Brief Biography
Eric Landers, PhD, Associate Professor, Georgia Southern University
Document Type
Individual Presentation
Primary Strand
Positive Behavior Interventions and Support
Relevance to Primary Strand
If one fact is clear in public schools, it is that discipline and consequences are needed to effectively address behavior issues.
Brief Program Description
If one fact is clear in public schools, it is that discipline and consequences are needed to effectively address behavior issues. In this session, attendees will examine school-wide issues and determine the most effective method of implementing consequences in the discipline
Biographical Sketch
Learning Objective 1
examine school-wide issues and determine the most effective method of implementing consequences in the discipline
Learning Objective 2
Recommended Citation
Landers, Eric, "PBIS Training Part 5:Effective School-Wide Discipline Procedures" (2022). Southeast Conference on School Climate. 112.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
PBIS Training Part 5:Effective School-Wide Discipline Procedures