Keynote: Promoting Student Success
First Presenter's Institution
Resiliency Inc.
First Presenter's Brief Biography
Horacio Sanchez is a highly sought-after speaker and educational consultant, helping schools learn to apply neuroscience to improve educational outcomes. He presents on diverse topics such as overcoming the impact of poverty, improving school climate, engaging in brain-based instruction, and addressing issues related to implicit bias. He is recognized as one of the nation’s leading authorities on resiliency and applied brain science. Horacio has been a teacher, administrator, clinician, mental health director, and consultant to school districts across the United States. Horacio sits on True Health Initiative Council of Directors, a coalition of more than 250 world-renowned health experts, committed to educating on proven principles of lifestyle as medicine. He is the author of the best-selling book, The Education Revolution, which applies brain science to improve instruction, behaviors, and school climate. His new book, The Poverty Problem, explains how education can promote resilience and counter poverty’s impact on brain development and functioning.
Document Type
Individual Presentation
Self-regulation is the one mental process that overrides obstacles that hinder planning, attention, learning, memory, and the coping skills required for students to achieve immediate goals and obtain long-term success. Without the skill to self-regulate, students will succumb to the whim of every thought, distraction, emotion, and desire. The lack of self-regulation is the root of many of the behavioral and academic issues education faces today. The development of self-control enables students to transcend life’s obstacles and engage in new skills that promote academic success (Inzlicht, Bartholow, & Hirsh, 2015). Therefore, educators need to know how to promote self-regulation in order to maximize student achievement. Come learn the key steps identified by neuroscience to promote self-regulation. The steps identified in the research have been found to help students placed at-risk by life’s circumstances to experience life success.
Areas Covered in the Training:
- Understanding student behavior
- Keys to improving school climate
- Promoting a positive social culture
- Motivating the unmotivated student
- Building skills that improve behaviors and academic performance
Recommended Citation
Sanchez, Horacio, "Keynote: Promoting Student Success" (2023). Southeast Conference on School Climate. 105.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
Keynote: Promoting Student Success
Self-regulation is the one mental process that overrides obstacles that hinder planning, attention, learning, memory, and the coping skills required for students to achieve immediate goals and obtain long-term success. Without the skill to self-regulate, students will succumb to the whim of every thought, distraction, emotion, and desire. The lack of self-regulation is the root of many of the behavioral and academic issues education faces today. The development of self-control enables students to transcend life’s obstacles and engage in new skills that promote academic success (Inzlicht, Bartholow, & Hirsh, 2015). Therefore, educators need to know how to promote self-regulation in order to maximize student achievement. Come learn the key steps identified by neuroscience to promote self-regulation. The steps identified in the research have been found to help students placed at-risk by life’s circumstances to experience life success.
Areas Covered in the Training:
- Understanding student behavior
- Keys to improving school climate
- Promoting a positive social culture
- Motivating the unmotivated student
- Building skills that improve behaviors and academic performance