Teacher Self-Care in Times of Chronic Stress

First Presenter's Institution

Georgia Southern University, Counseling Center

First Presenter's Brief Biography

Angela Landers, LPC, CPCS, Assistant Director, Georgia Southern University, Counseling Center

Document Type

Individual Presentation

Primary Strand

Mindfulness and Wellbeing

Relevance to Primary Strand

The demands on teachers in the 21st century continue to increase and lead to teacher burnout.

Brief Program Description

The demands on teachers in the 21st century continue to increase and lead to teacher burnout. The uncertainty and chronic stress of the events since the pandemic have depleted teachers even further, leaving many feeling that their thresholds and limits are already pushed to the max. In this workshop, participants will learn about the nature and impact of chronic stress. Using mindfulness strategies, participants will also learn how to evaluate and implement their personal self-care practices and will leave with a personalized and thoughtful self-care plan along with the knowledge of their potential barriers to carrying out this plan.





Biographical Sketch


Learning Objective 1

learn about the nature and impact of chronic stress

Learning Objective 2

learn how to evaluate and implement their personal self-care practices and will leave with a personalized and thoughtful self-care plan along with the knowledge of their potential barriers to carrying out this plan.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

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Teacher Self-Care in Times of Chronic Stress