Using Mental Health and Wellness for Teachers for Kids
First Presenter's Institution
Employee and Student Mental Health and Wellness, Henry
First Presenter's Brief Biography
Fred Latschar, EdS, Director of Employee and Student Mental Health and Wellness, Henry
Second Presenter's Institution
Woodland Cluster, Henry County Schools
Second Presenter’s Email Address
Second Presenter's Brief Biography
Derrick Thomas, EdS, MA, Lead Principal, Woodland Cluster, Henry County Schools
Document Type
Individual Presentation
Primary Strand
Mental Health
Relevance to Primary Strand
All schools are facing the epidemic challenge of mental health and wellness among students from kindergarten through high school. Additionally, we’re also seeing this epidemic spread to teachers who are charged with being the very support students need. Well, Henry County Schools has developed a department who specific charge is provide resources and supports that promote the overall wellness of students, staff, and families.
Brief Program Description
All schools are facing the epidemic challenge of mental health and wellness among students from kindergarten through high school. Additionally, we’re also seeing this epidemic spread to teachers who are charged with being the very support students need. Well, Henry County Schools has developed a department who specific charge is provide resources and supports that promote the overall wellness of students, staff, and families. Director of Mental Health and Wellness, Fred Latschar, and School Principal, Derrick L. Thomas, will speak to how Henry County Schools district focus on mental health and wellness has positively impacted the 43,000+ students and staff members within the district. We’ll share data that supports the need for such programs and data that shows the positive results from investing in this program. We’ll share examples of how to set up your own district initiative for creating a system wide approach to address mental health and wellness. We’ll share examples of how to develop and implement a comprehensive plan to address mental health and wellness at the school level. The focus areas of this presentation will be the physical, social, emotional, and mental development of students. Additionally, we’ll provide tips and strategies to support teachers in all areas of mental health and wellness.
Biographical Sketch
Learning Objective 1
Learning Objective 2
Recommended Citation
Latschar, Fred and Thomas, Derrick, "Using Mental Health and Wellness for Teachers for Kids" (2022). Southeast Conference on School Climate. 61.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
Using Mental Health and Wellness for Teachers for Kids